Idaho DOI Receives Governor’s Award for Rules Reduction

Thursday July 29, 2021

BOISE, ID (July 29, 2021) –The Idaho Department of Insurance (DOI) was honored by Governor Little at his Rules Reduction Awards Ceremony this week, in recognition of the agency’s efforts to streamline its rules in accordance with Little’s Zero-Based Regulation order.

Rules are administrative statements written by state agencies that implement procedures in order to carry out laws passed by the Legislature. In an effort to reduce regulatory burdens on Idaho citizens and businesses, Little asked state agencies to further simplify their rules this year.

“Regulation affects, either directly or indirectly, the income statement of all businesses,” said Little. “It’s simple math—less regulation and fewer taxes equal more opportunity. Congratulations to the DOI for reducing their rules and doing what is best for Idahoans.”

When accepting the award, DOI Director Dean Cameron emphasized how Little’s trailblazing methods have made Idaho a trendsetter in insurance regulation.

“Other states are following our example,” said Cameron. “We’re trying to help them be successful in reducing regulation because it better protects consumers and saves their hard-earned income.”

Following Governor Little’s Red Tape Reduction Act in 2019, the DOI drastically updated its rules, eliminating 35 percent of its total word count, 40 percent of its pages, 33 percent of its chapters, and 99.83 percent of its restrictive words, helping to make Idaho the least regulated state in the United States.

After finalizing their rules this year, Director Dean Cameron expects the DOI’s rules will be reduced by another 20,455 words for a total reduction of 106,645 words. The DOI efforts decreased their rules by 360 pages and 25 chapters.

“By removing redundancies and unneeded rules, we’re making our rules easier to understand and easier to follow, all while maintaining necessary oversight,” said Cameron. “Governor Little’s efforts have allowed us to be more transparent so that we can continue to do what is best for Idaho and its consumers. It is effective in lowering costs as well as retaining and attracting carriers, therefore fostering competition”

In recognition of their efforts, representatives from the DOI receive plaques at Governor Little’s Rules Reduction Awards Ceremony on July 26, 2021.

About the Department of Insurance
The Idaho Department of Insurance has been regulating the business of insurance in Idaho since 1901. The mission of the Department is to serve and protect Idahoans by equitably, effectively and efficiently administering the Idaho Insurance Code and the International Fire Code. For more information, please visit us at


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