Official Government Website


Idaho State Fire Marshal’s Office maintains fire department incident reports in the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). Information collected is used to identify fire-related problems, public education programs, fire code and product safety recalls. Idaho works with 230 fire departments and makes sure fire department’s data are valid and released to United States Fire Administration (USFA).

Reported Incidents
Reported Fires
Total Fire Dollar Loss Reported
$ 50000059

Current Reporting Status

Structure Fires927
Vehicle Fires449
Natural Vegetation Fires971
Other Fires700
Overpressure Rupture, Explosion, Overheat Calls94
Rescue and EMS Calls62,507
Hazard Conditions Calls2,459
Service Calls9,754
Good Intent Calls11,404
False Alarm and False Calls5,399
Other Calls191

Have more questions?

Contact the Idaho State Fire Marshal NFIRS Reporting Coordinator:

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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