Official Government Website

Agency Guidance

In support of Governor Little’s Executive Order No. 2020-02, “Transparency in Agency Guidance Documents,” and as required by Section 67-5250, Idaho Code, the Department’s Agency Guidance documents are available for public inspection through the Department’s website, and they are indexed by subject here.  “Agency Guidance” means all written documents, other than rules, orders, and pre-decisional material, that are intended to guide agency actions affecting the rights or interests of persons outside the agency.  The indexing of Agency Guidance does not give that document the force and effect of law or other precential authority.  These documents are not new law, but they are generally intended to provide an agency interpretation of existing law or additional information as to how persons are expected to comply with laws and rules.  Any questions about these documents can be directed to the Department’s contact information or to the contact that may be listed within the document.

MGA Special Requirements

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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