Official Government Website

Fire Investigation – Request an Investigation

State Fire Marshal investigators are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They are stationed throughout the state and respond to requests for assistance from local fire departments and law enforcement agencies for fire and explosion investigations. The State Fire Marshal’s Office can be contacted directly Monday through Friday, except holidays, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. at 208-334-4370. After hours, 208-921-7838 or Idaho State Police 208-884-7200 should be contacted and requested to assist with contacting a State Fire Marshal investigator.

Basic requirements to request a division investigator are:

  • Official request from a fire or law enforcement agency.
  • As much information as possible about the incident should be transmitted to the investigator. If at all possible, the investigator needs to speak directly with someone at the incident scene or who has been at the scene.

The highest priority response is assigned to fires involving fatalities or injuries, explosions, evidence of arson or explosive devices and major disasters. The State Fire Marshal’s Office acts as an assisting agency to local authorities and does not respond to requests for investigations from insurance company representatives.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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