Official Government Website

Fire Investigation – Explosions

Explosives, improvised explosive devices and military ordnance are all extremely dangerous. It is important to remember that these items can kill and seriously injure without notice. At no time should anyone, except a trained bomb technician, attempt to make, move, disturb or touch any item that appears to be suspicious in nature or readily appears to have an explosive content.

Personnel should take extra care at the scene of an explosion. Structural stability is always questionable following an explosion. If there is a possibility that the incident was the result of an explosive device, there is a chance of undetonated explosives or a secondary device being present. State Communications (StateComm) should be contacted at 1-800-632-8000 or 208-846-7610.

State Fire Marshal investigators are not trained or equipped to disarm potential bombs.

ver: 3.5.2a | last updated:
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