Official Government Website

Fire Protection Sprinkler Contractor License

“Fire Protection Sprinkler System” means an integrated system of underground and overhead piping designed in accordance with fire protection engineering standards. This installation includes a water supply, such as a gravity tank, fire pump, reservoir or pressure tank and/or connection by underground piping to a water supply. The portion of the sprinkler system above ground is a network of specially sized, or hydraulically designed, piping installed in a building, structure or area, generally overhead, and to which sprinklers are connected in a systematic pattern. The system include a controlling valve and a device for actuating an alarm when the system is in operation. The system is usually activated by heat from a fire and discharges water over the fire area. 

Fire Protection Sprinkler License – Rule 18.08.02 sets standards and ensures the competency of sprinkler companies who work in Idaho.

Fire Protection Sprinkler Contractor License Application and Renewal

Duplicate License Application

Change of Address Form



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I become a sprinkler contractor in the state of Idaho?
  • The applicant must pass the state exam and provide documentation that you have installed 200 heads or more on 4 separate systems. Must include date installed, address, scope of work, and the AHJ that approved the system. OR have a NICET III Certification in Water-Based Systems and provide a copy of your certificate. 
  • Provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance with the certificate holder listing the Idaho State Fire Marshal’s Office.
  • $2000 bond, listing the Obligee as the State Fire Marshal.
  • Submit the application with the $400 application fee.
  • All must be received to start processing the application.
I submitted all the documents including my application, how long will I know if my application for license is approved?

If everything has been submitted, typically three weeks for processing. If there are any discrepancies, our office will contact you and let you know what we need.

What does the Idaho Fire Protection Sprinkler Contractor license cover?

The license covers installation of underground systems from the water main, installation, remodels and tenant improvements and inspections, and maintenance of fire sprinkler systems.

How does the State of Idaho handle the review process for sprinkler plan submittals?

Plans are received via email.  See the Fire Sprinkler Plan Submittal Instructions for requirements. Once approved, a stamped copy of the plans are emailed to the sprinkler contractor, fire department and the Idaho Survey and Rating Bureau.

How do I take the contractor exam?

You can schedule to take the exam at any of our locations.

Always check with the Authority Having Jurisdiction for local requirements

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