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Continuing Education for Licensed Professionals

Individual Idaho residents are required to take 24 hours of continuing education (CE), with at least 3 hours being in ethics, every 2 years if they hold one of the following licenses:

  • A producer license with one or more of the following lines of authority: Accident Health and Sickness, Casualty, Life, Personal Lines or Surety
  • Bail Agent
  • Independent Adjuster
  • Public Adjuster


A renewal application is required to be submitted via NIPR after the CE has been completed to renew a license.

How to Find CE Courses for Idaho

All of Idaho’s approved CE courses can be found in the SBS Continuing Education Catalog

For a detailed guide to the course catalog click here.

Insurance Products with Additional CE Requirements

The following insurance products are not shown on your license but require additional CE to sell.


All insurance producers who sell flood insurance through the NFIP must complete a one-time 3-hour course related to the NFIP.

Insurance carriers are responsible for tracking this federally mandated continuing education requirement. The Department strongly recommends keeping a copy of any certificates of completion, as carriers may require them. The Department cannot supply copies of a certificate of completion.

The CE course catalog has a category titled Flood, all courses listed in this category will meet the federal education mandate.

See Bulletin No. 07-1 for more information.

Long Term Care

Any producer who sells, solicits, or negotiates a long-term care policy must take 8 hours of training in long-term care before doing so.

Producers are also required to complete 4 hours of long-term care training every 24 months. The 24 months are between course completion dates not the license renewal dates.

Insurance carriers are responsible for tracking this federally mandated continuing education requirement. The Department strongly recommends keeping a copy of any certificates of completion, as carriers may require them. The Department cannot supply copies of a certificate of completion.

The CE course catalog has a category titled Long Term Care, all courses listed in this category will meet the federal education mandate.

See Bulletin 06-5 for more information.


Any producer who sells, solicits, or negotiates annuities is required to complete 4 hours of Annuity Suitability Best Interest training before doing so.

Insurance Carriers are responsible for tracking this requirement. The Department strongly recommends keeping a copy of any certificates of completion, as carriers may require them. The Department cannot supply copies of a certificate of completion.

The CE course catalog has a category titled Annuity Suitability Best Interest, all courses listed in this category will meet this education requirement.

For more information on this requirement please Idaho Statute 41-1940

Unapproved Course Application

If a licensee takes a course they think qualifies for CE in Idaho they can submit the course for consideration if it meets the following qualifications.

  • Courses must be submitted for review via the Licensee Independent CE Credit Consideration Form.
  • The course must have been completed during the current renewal period.
  • The application must be submitted for committee review within 60 days of the completion date of the course.
  • The Application must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the next expiration date of your license.
  • All required documents must be included with the submission. All required documents are detailed on the application.
  • All submissions will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee. If the committee reviews the application and requests more information the process will be delayed. Allow time for this possibility when submitting applications as extensions to the license renewal due date will not be granted.
  • If the course was offered by an Idaho approved CE provider, it does not qualify for consideration. A list of approved CE providers can be found in the SBS CE course catalog.


What is the penalty for late CE?

The penalties for completing the CE requirement after the license expiration date are as follows:

  • 1-30 days past the expiration date: $100
  • 31-60 days past the expiration date: $200
  • 61-89 days past the expiration date: $300
  • 90-365 days past the expiration date: $80, and you will be required to re-test for the lines of authority you carry on your license as well as complete your CE requirements.

Can I renew my license before my CE is complete?

No. You will be unable to renew your license if your CE is not complete and uploaded to the system before the expiration date.

A penalty for late CE completion will begin accruing the day after the expiration date on the license.

Is there a grace period for late CE?

There is no grace period for the CE requirement or renewal deadlines. Monetary penalties will begin to accrue the day following your license expiration date. We use the date of course completion to determine if you were on-time.

I completed my CE, why can’t I renew?

CE does not populate to your record, or to our online renewal system instantaneously. Please see below for details.

  • From the day you complete your CE course the CE provider has 30 days to upload the credits per Idaho statute.
  • Once the credit is entered into our system it is sent in a report overnight to the PDB.
  • After the report is submitted it can take the PDB 1-5 business days to reflect the completion. Once it is reflected in the PDB you can apply for a renewal on NIPR.

If you completed your CE over 30 days ago, or it has been more that five days since it was uploaded, and you are within the renewal window, but are still unable to renew on the online system please reach out to the Department of Insurance.

Are any licensees exempt from the CE requirement?

The following License types are exempt from the CE requirements:

  • Business Entities
  • Non-resident Producers
  • Limited Lines Only Producer
  • Surplus Lines Producer

Are producers with professional designations exempt from the CE requirement?

No. However, courses offered to earn professional designations may have been submitted for approval as CE insurance licensing credit in Idaho by the course provider. If so, you may also be able to use as CE credit for your Idaho insurance license. Check with the provider of the course.

What is the CE requirement for my license?

All residents are required to take 24 hours of CE within each two-year licensing period with at least 3 of those hours in the Ethics.

Can I only complete CE courses within my lines of authority?

No. Any courses in the course catalog are acceptable; you are not limited to only the lines you carry on your license. However, Idaho Code requires you to complete a minimum of three hours of ethics each licensing period.

Where can I find courses to fulfill my CE requirement?

Approved courses can be found on Continuing Education Catalogue.

How can I check my CE status?

Your CE status can be checked via your SBS CE transcripts.

When is my CE due?

We suggest you complete your CE courses at least three weeks prior to your expiration date. Your license expires on the last day of your birth month and all CE is due before that date.

If I take more than 3 hours in ethics, will the extra credits count towards the total?

Yes, the ethics requirement is for a minimum of three credits in the Ethics course category. If you take more than three, any extra credits will apply to the overall 24 hour total you need for the CE requirement for your license renewal.

Does Idaho require non-residents to take an Idaho specific Annuities Suitability course?

No, a state specific course is not required if they have taken a course in their home state that meets the NAIC 2010 Suitability in Annuities training requirement for course content.

Can a course be repeated?

Courses may not be repeated for credit within the same renewal period but may be repeated in subsequent renewal periods. Double-check the course completion date compared to the renewal period start/end dates to avoid duplication within the same renewal period.

Can I carry over excess CE credit hours from one renewal period to the next?

No, credit must be earned within renewal period.

How are my CE credits reported to the DOI?

CE Providers download rosters electronically through SBS to the DOI. You are required to provide your Idaho license number for each course you attend and complete.

Licensees will receive certificates of completion for their records and must maintain these records for a period of five years. When renewing your license, do not send certificates of completion to the department unless you are specifically requested to do so.

How do I report an error in my transcripts?

If you find an error, contact the CE provider directly.

Can I receive credit for a course which has not been approved by the Advisory Committee?

Producers may submit applications for courses taken during the licensing period for credit. See the  Unapproved Course Application section for more details.

Have more questions?
Contact the Licensing Team

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