Department of Insurance Annual Report
Per Idaho Code 41-216, the Director annually shall transmit to the governor a report of his official transactions containing with respect to the prior calendar year with pertinent information and matters as prescribed by code or determined by the Director.
Department of Insurance Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan contains a vision or mission statement, goals for the major divisions within the agency, objectives, performance measures, benchmarks, and any external factors that are beyond the control of the agency that affect the achievement of goals. Strategic Plans shall cover a minimum of four years forward.
Department of Insurance Performance Report
The Performance Report document contains two parts. Part I contains the agency overview, core functions and Idaho Code; revenue and expenditure, profile of cases managed and/or key services provided, performance highlights, and contact information. The information provided is for the prior four fiscal years. Part II contains the agency’s performance measures, benchmarks, and explanatory note which is optional. This information is for the current fiscal year and four years of actual data.
State Fire Marshal Annual Report
This report includes data and information collected and organized from fire service providers including municipal fire departments, fire districts, and fire protection associations throughout Idaho. Organized fire service providers contribute statistical data through the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS). Of the 230 organized fire service providers, 145 contributed data through this system. This system is important in identifying fire related activity, including trends or problems with consumer products, and aid in designing specific fire prevention initiatives.
Annual Health Insurance Survey for 2023
This report highlights the annual Health Insurance Survey data supplied by carriers that are licensed in Idaho and provide services or products to Idahoans. The compiled data in this report is shown in the aggregate, reflecting a two-year period and the primary focus is on the number of Idaho lives covered at the end of the survey years.
Market Share and Consumer Complaint Comparison Tables
The market share and consumer complaint comparison tables provide information about market share by insurance company, as well as filed complaint counts compared against other insurance companies that sell the same type of insurance.
HCR027 (2024) – PANDAS and PANS House Concurrent Resolution Findings Report (February 20, 2025)
In 2024, the Second Regular Session of the Sixty-seventh Legislature passed HCR027, directing the DOI to report findings related to understand the issues surrounding medical treatments and insurance coverage for children living with Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) – also known as PANDAS/PANS. The findings show a snapshot of an evolving diagnosis and the current availability of coverage for treatment options to Idahoans. The Department worked closely with health insurance companies serving Idaho residents to gather information and address the concerns outlined in HCR027. The findings reflect only the carriers’ insurance plans and do not account for the coverage of self-funded plans, which are plans typically provided by large employers.
2022 Idaho Department of Insurance
2021 Idaho Department of Insurance
2020 Idaho Department of Insurance
2019 Idaho Department of Insurance
2018 Idaho Department of Insurance
2017 Idaho Department of Insurance
2016 Idaho Department of Insurance
2015 Idaho Department of Insurance
2014 Idaho Department of Insurance
2013 Idaho Department of Insurance
2012 Idaho Department of Insurance
2011 Idaho Department of Insurance
2010 Idaho Department of Insurance
2009 Idaho Department of Insurance
2008 Idaho Department of Insurance
2007 Idaho Department of Insurance
2006 Idaho Department of Insurance
2005 Idaho Department of Insurance
Additional Annual Reports may be available upon request. Contact the Webmaster to request a historic annual report.
The files below have data about the individual and small group medical and dental insurance plans the Department of Insurance reviewed and recommended for certification by the Idaho Health Exchange Board.
These data sets will be most useful to researchers, developers, professionals, and others who want to study, analyze, and download the complete data set of plan and price information. The format of the data matches the datasets available for Federally Facilitated Marketplaces on All other users will likely prefer the more user-friendly plan browsing tool at Your Health Idaho.
The data include plan availability by county, plan benefit information, and premiums for the following rating scenarios:
- Child – one child age 0 to 14 and one child age 18
- Adult individual age 21, 27, 30, 40, 50, and 60
- Couple age 21, 30, 40, 50, and 60, no children
- Couple age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 1 child
- Couple age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 2 children
- Couple age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 3 or more children
- Single parent age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 1 child
- Single parent age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 2 children
- Single parent age 21, 30, 40, and 50, plus 3 or more children
IMPORTANT NOTE: The prices in these datasets don’t reflect the lower costs an applicant may qualify for based on household size and income. Many people who apply will qualify for reduced costs through tax credits that are automatically applied to monthly premiums. These credits will significantly lower the prices shown for many of those that apply through Your Health Idaho.
Data files: